Tuesday, April 14, 2020



What will be the consequences of the Coronavirus on your company's profitability margin this year? 

French translation: rentabilité

Happy Tuesday Darlings!

Today's word of the day is PROFITABILITY. As the world watches helplessly as Covid 19 coronavirus snakes its way through all four quadrants of the world, governments, banks, and companies are going to increasingly worry about their profitability margins.

Already in China, the biggest banks are said to be getting nervous as their profitability margins dip and this could have global consequences because some of these banks, according to publications like the Financial Times, are "ranked among the world's biggest lenders."

What do you think will be the story for your company in 2020? Any chance in hell they will enjoy a high profitability margin this year or are they doomed to massive losses because of Coronavirus? And what  will this mean for  you and your job? For example, could you end up having to take a pay cut? Could you be asked to take a furlough? Will you get a bonus? Will you be made redundant? Will your job be replaced by a robot?  What consequences, if any, will you suffer if your company's profitability diminishes on account of the coronavirus pandemic? 

Today's Deals

Note: During this time, I am offering strictly telephone conversation courses to respect the order of President Emmanuel Macron who has issued a directive as you know that the French population must remain under curfew for the next 15 days. If you would like to start or continue with English conversation lessons therefore, it will be strictly by telephone. I look forward to speaking with you, que même. I have noticed that I now have visitors from countries other than France including Germany, United Arab Emirites, Belgium, Spain and Oman. You are also welcomed to take English conversation with me if you like :) 

Business English Paris is a sister site of Jeannie LaCroix. Please visit our sister site where you can find curated products for busy professionals at www.jeannielacroix.com. Thank you in advance for your support.

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